Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fixed It!

I felt like this one needed more depth so I added another layer of leaves.  Added bonus: there's more contrast now too :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Stormy Day

It was pretty crazy wet here today.  Lots of wind and tons of rain, so I used that for this:

Monday, November 4, 2013

Model Trains

This is a re-take on a sketch I did a while ago.  The former drawing had a little boy playing with his train set by himself.  This one is more of an homage to all the Saturdays I would spend tittering around the garage with my dad while he worked on his model trains :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Catching Leaves

I actually saw a little girl doing this at the park and I thought it was brilliant!  I love fall, I love leaves, I love falling leaves!

An Experiment

This was just trying some new things and also because I love playing with my Pan Pastels :)

Happy November 1st!

Last night, I was talking to my mom as I rushed home from work to try and beat the trick-or-treaters to my house.  We were discussing our trick-or-treater number predictions and other statistical numerical things when she brought up how her sisters and her used to walk down a really long drive-way to what they believed to be a witch's house because she gave out full size candy bars.  When I asked her why they would trust a candy bar from a witch, she simply said, "It was Halloween.  Witches have to be nice on Halloween."  Is it any wonder I'm a children's author/illustrator?  :)
Anyway, I loved that idea and think I might have to elaborate that into a story.  For now, here is my sketch of how the witches are feeling after having to be nice for one whole day!

Previous Illustration Friday Posts

Here are a few of my favorite past Illustration Friday posts:






Former Comic Blog Stuff

My blog used to be all about quick comics, but I found myself wanting to post so much other stuff like sketches and Illustration Friday posts, etc that I decided to start a new one.  You can still see my comic sketches on that blog www.quickcomicsbyerin.blogspot.com 
Here are  my two favorites from that blog.

Former Website Material